Sunday, October 3, 2010

What's the hardest part of being a stay-at-home-mom?

When I was working full-time in an office I heard a lot of women say they could never stay at home with the kids because they would get bored, or they'd feel trapped, or they'd miss adult coversation, or they'd feel so unproductive. I agree, it's possible to feel all of those things and staying at home is not for everyone.

My biggest problem is never having a day off. I can't even get a lunch hour! I have not had more than 20 minutes of "me time" in the past 7 months. Mostly that is due to my commitment to breast feeding, but a part of it is due to the responsiblity of being a stay-at-home-mom. I spend all day, every day, caring for my 2 sweet young boys. And in the evening when my loving husband comes home from his hard day of work, he takes a bit of alone time to clear his head. And on the weekends when we are together as a family, the hubby has a chance to sleep in while I get up to tend to the children. I patiently hush them and ask them to please speak quietly while Daddy is sleeping.

Recently my husband was sick. His company is very understanding of his illness and he was able to take a few days off work to recouperate at home. I was sick too, but I did not get get any "sick time". I actually took on additional responsiblities while I was sick because the hubby was at home & needed me to help care for him too.

I can understand why so many women don't want this job. There are literally no benefits, except what you make of it. I love my family and I truely believe that having a parent at home with the children is what is best for the children. I believe that it is the responsibility of the parent to be the primary role model of the children. I believe that families need to come first and that means 2 loving parents who are committed to teaching their children how to be good people.

I'm working hard, 24/7, to raise my sweet young boys so they will grow up to be strong men, loving husbands and attentive fathers. This job isn't for everyone, but for me, this job is everything.

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